Happy List for Cloudy days

When your Sad     and lonely    and need a helping hand

You can call me       I’ll be there   …….  except I have to get the kids at 3

It seems this is about how it is anymore. We all have friends we know we can rely on but everyone either works full time, is a caregiver, or volunteering to save the world. Meanwhile you just woke up and it feels like someone put concrete in your slippers, the coffee isn’t working, and all you really want to do is go back to bed. But, alas, who shall clean thy King’s socks? Or braid the Princess’s hair? Or prepare the feast?

So sometimes when we get up we are thinking more of shoving the King’s socks down his snoring throat. And sometimes we wake up with a true hatred for Walt Disney and Pixar because thanks to them we have to learn how to do the Elsa braid in under five minutes on two different girls or the bus driver is going to leave without them.  And sometimes, yes sometimes, we just want everyone to figure out for the love of all that is true in the kingdom to be able to pour their own cereal! To accept frozen pizza can be a meal once in a while, and it isn’t necessary to make five course meals everyday!

We could pretend we are the dog, and just sleep all day!

We could pretend we are the dog, and just sleep all day!

A List of my Happy places

  1. Sitting by a crackling fire with the smell of Apple Cinnamon in the air, sipping a cup of hot tea.
  2. Marking things off a To-Do list, sometimes I even write down things I’ve already done so I have something to mark off!
  3. The woods in the Spring and in the Fall, I’m a fair-weather friend to woodland creatures.
  4. Johnny Depp’s arms, sshh, let me have it
  5. Watching a movie with my husband or best friend
  6. Music that makes me dream, cry, dance, or sing loud
  7. Receiving packages in the mail even though I knew they were coming and know what is in them
  8. Walking thru cemeteries alone and thinking about what stories the dead had when alive
  9. The smell of books at the Library
  10. Walking into the craft store

2 thoughts on “Happy List for Cloudy days

  1. Can I add two just for me?
    11. The smell and sounds of day-old chicks
    12. Reading another of your posts

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